Schappell Automation Corporation (SAC) has played a significant role in the development of Computer Based Training Technology for projects such as Project Focus/Hope in Detroit, Michigan. That project required that they automate the facility for the required educational processes, make all stations interactive, automate physical processes and equipment, and insure the primary goals of education and training were met in order to efficiently produce high quality products which resulted in a high level of self-sustainability and at the same time educate and train sufficient personnel to contribute to the state of Michigan’s industrial design and production personnel needs.
Roger Schappell was involved with creating new business for various industrial concerns and several start-ups. These initiatives included 1) Project Focus Hope: Next Generation Controller, Future Combat Systems, Development and Flight Testing of Imaging Sensor experiments on Space Shuttle (FILE), Shipbuilding Automation and Interactive MARITECH Software in the Ship Yards, Jurassic Park dinosaurs for Universal Studios for Tourists, and Tactical Mobile Unmanned Systems including Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV’s) such as Autonomous Land Vehicle (ALV), Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUV’s), and Unmanned Airborne Vehicles (UAV’s).
Several of these projects involved as many as 150 team members which included commercial industrial concerns, University Research Laboratories and Technical Government Agencies, and involved private industrial as well as government investment in excess of several billion dollars.
Furthermore extensive University and Federal Research Laboratory Support provided key and essential elements to many of these projects and contributed to their technical needs via the support of key personnel from academia and the relevant government laboratories.
Schappell Automation Corporation